While eliciting requirements with a potential smart watch user, you hear they will "never" need to display the times for more than two time zones at once. What should you do next?

Practice More Questions From: Course Assessment (Graded)


In the course, software requirements are defined as: ___.


In what form should requirements be expressed?


What is specifically achieved by the managing requirements activity? Choose two that are correct.


Which type of requirement explains why a software product is needed?


Which are examples of a business rule type of software requirement? Choose two that are correct.


From the course, which type of requirement is the following statement? The application must record the date, time, and beats per minute for a heart rate measurement.


Requirements can ___, so the ___ must be managed carefully to determine what is in or out of the product.


What are acceptable ways to defend against scope creep? Choose two that are correct.


While design notations like wireframes and storyboards are useful during requirements elicitation to generate product ideas, what is the main pitfall?


When forming the requirements for a software product to train a person in different physical exercises, what characteristics of users should be considered? Choose two that are correct.


What challenging issues could arise when working with end users to form requirements for a new software product? Choose two that are correct.


To ease understanding with clients and end users, a glossary should be established that everyone agrees with. What kinds of terms should be defined in this glossary?


You work for a company that makes home automation accessories, and one of the executives has tasked you to create a new mobile app to manage someone’s deployment of the accessories. When eliciting the product’s requirements, what is a good first question to be answered?


What kind of scenario does the basic flow of a use case description define?


Why use a wireframe during requirements elicitation? Choose two that are correct.


What may be depicted by the two types of storyboards? Choose two that are correct.


Consider the following requirement: The product shall record the starting and ending location for a ground travel expense item of a claimant.What is an appropriate expression of the requirement in standard user story form?


What is a key difference between use cases and user stories?


The traditional, standard form of a user story correspondingly expresses the ___, ___, and ___ of a requirement. Choose two that are correct.


Consider the following user story: As a traveler, I want the journal application to have a good user interface, so that I enjoy using it regularly.What is poor about this requirement? Choose two that are correct.


Consider the following user story for an application: As a meal planner, I want to see nutrition information for a given amount of a specific food, so that I prepare a healthy meal.What are suitable acceptance tests? Choose two that are correct.


A product backlog consists of what must be worked on to complete the product, such as ___ and ___. A person in a specific role ___ the product backlog items.


A story map visually organizes the user stories on the product backlog into columns by functional categories. What can this technique enable? Choose three that are correct.


For an initial product, a story map helps to identify a ___ and useful set of valuable capabilities from across functional categories for an initial product.


According to the requirements criteria, the requirements should be complete. What does that mean?


Consider the following user story: As an expense claimant, I want the expense entry form to have a good user interface, so that I will know what to enter next.Assuming sufficient resources and feedback from end users, this user story is ___. Choose two that are correct.


Which of the following criteria for requirements would need to be checked holistically across the set of user stories, not by considering each user story independently? Choose two that are correct.


A manageable user story means that ___.


While eliciting requirements with a potential smart watch user, you hear they will “never” need to display the times for more than two time zones at once. What should you do next?


An ambiguous requirement is best resolved by:


Identify the ambiguous partial user story for an internet radio service. As a listener, ___.


Consider the following user story for an ebook app by itself, and identify the potential problems. Choose three that are correct. As a parent user, I want to see what my child is reading.

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