What is a dependency?

Practice More Questions From: Final Assessment


You must store an API encryption key in your code. What can you do to protect it?


What is a dependency?


You are assigned a task to review an extremely large codebase in a short period of time. You are also required to be able to make any necessary changes immediately. What is the best way to achieve this?


Your company’s database was the target of a SQL injection attack. You’re not sure how it happened since you were hired long after it was put into production. What steps can you take to secure your web application?


You wrote the code for a web application. No vulnerabilities were found before it went live last month. Is it safe to assume that your application is still free of vulnerabilities today?


You are tasked with keeping your data safe from unauthorized changes by outside forces with malicious intent. What process can you use to achieve that goal?


You are working on a software application and need to find a way to analyze your code to check its correctness. Which method will help you accomplish this task?


You have been given access to an application that needs to be checked for flaws, memory issues, and crashes – as the application is executing. Choose the appropriate analysis method for this task.


Cross-site scripting attacks are listed as one of the OWASP top 10 most critical types of security risks for web applications. What action can you take to prevent them?


At what point in the Software Development Life Cycle should threat modeling be implemented?


Your organization has experienced several issues with performance, outages, and is starting to see some loss in revenue. You have been tasked with finding a solution to help identify and resolve issues quickly and minimize downtime. What type of solution should you look for?


Your company is looking for a way to gain a deeper insight into their business systems to understand how they perform and how customers are utilizing their web apps. Vast amounts of data are being collected from business systems but how can they make sense of it all?


Your organization is experiencing rapid growth with several new systems and applications deployed. Your staff and budget haven’t expanded and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to stay on top of issues and cumbersome trying to identify root causes of problems. What solution can you implement to help you become more proactive and less reactive in this situation?


When looking into monitoring systems for your organization, what is an essential component that your monitoring solution should provide?


Your monitoring system notifies you of a latency issue with your web application. Instead of searching through hundreds of possible causes, what can help you quickly speed up the process?


Your organization currently monitors all of its systems. You are trying to make the case that simply monitoring systems isn’t enough. What is your justification for using more than just system monitoring to give your organization more insight into its systems and infrastructure?


Your company is currently using application monitoring to gather metrics about application performance and for alerting. Your director wants you to implement an evaluation solution, too. Why would your company think evaluation is necessary, isn’t monitoring sufficient?


You are designing the application logging for your company’s new app. Where should you begin?


Your monitoring system has an alerting feature that you’ve configured to the best of your ability. It is working; however, it isn’t detecting some problems quickly enough. At other times, alarms are triggered by normal operations. What could be the cause?


Your company is using Prometheus, an open-source monitoring and alerting system. You also have a time-series database, multiple other data sources and need to be able to integrate all of it into a single, organized view. What could you use, in conjunction with Prometheus, to make that happen?

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