True or False: An AE should never skip opportunity stages.


How can clearly defined opportunity stages help account executives? Select all that apply.


How can a sales ops specialist help make sure that selling is not a random process?


Fill in the blank: Part of your job as a sales ops specialist is to make sure that selling is ___________.


Which of the following is a key responsibility of an AE?


The job of the account executive is to continue the work that an SDR started. While SDRs focus on generating, qualifying, and converting leads, what is the focus of an AE?


True or False: It is not uncommon to skip from an early opportunity stage like Needs Analysis straight to a later stage like Proposal.


True or False: An AE should never skip opportunity stages.


Which of the following is an example of an appropriate time for an AE to skip an opportunity stage?


Imagine you are an AE ready to progress an opportunity through the stages of the sales process. What is the Salesforce tab you would navigate to?


“Fill in the blank: In the Guided Project, you pretended to be the AE for a generator company and wanted to know what _____________ were in your pipeline so you navigated to the appropriate tab.


In the Guided Project, you pretended to be the AE for a generator company and wanted to know what opportunities were in your pipeline. How did you do this?


What information can an AE visualize from the Kanban board? Select all that apply.


Why would an AE want to display their opportunities in a Kanban board?


As an AE wanting to get a better look at the sales pipeline, what Salesforce feature would you use?


How does the Salesforce opportunity path differ from the sales process below:


What would an AE do in Salesforce if they learned that the deal was lost?


What would an AE do in Salesforce once they learned that the deal was made?


How can an AE create an opportunity in Salesforce? Select all that apply.


How can an AE update the stage that an opportunity is in using Salesforce? Select all that apply.


How can an AE create and update an opportunity in Salesforce? Select all that apply.


Which four opportunity stages in Salesforce correspond to the Closing stage of the sales process? Select all that apply.


What is the purpose of negotiations?


Imagine you are still working with the AE, Amy from the Independent Project, and you both were handed a third prospect: Barbara Flowers from Amy has a call with Barbara, learns that she is one of two team members and they have equal decision making power. Amy is still unclear about what their needs are so she sets up a follow up call for a week from today. Which of the following would need to be logged in the opportunity record? Select all that apply.


Imagine you are still working with the AE, Amy from the Independent Project. Amy is working with a third prospect: Barbara Flowers from Amy has a call with Barbara and learns that she has made the decision to accept Amy’s last proposal! Which of the following would need to be done in the opportunity record? Select all that apply.


Imagine you are still working with the AE, Amy from the Independent Project, and you both were handed a third prospect: Barbara Flowers from Amy has a call with Barbara to discuss the proposal and pricing and Barbara says she will follow up on the price in a few days. Which of the following would need to be logged in the opportunity record? Select all that apply.


What single Salesforce view would give an AE the best understanding of which stage each of their in-progress deals are in, as well as the estimated amount on each of the deals?


In the independent project, you were asked to take a screenshot of the opportunity Kanban. What information is useful from this screenshot? Select all that apply.


Imagine, as the sales ops specialist, you want visibility into the AEs progress on the current opportunities in their pipeline. What single Salesforce view would give you the best understanding of which stage each of the AE’s in-progress deals are in, as well as the estimated amount on each of the deals?

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