The researchers state that the objective of this study was to “test the effect of the order of beer and wine consumption on the next day’s hangover severity.”

What is the null hypothesis for this study?

Practice More Questions From: Medical Statistics Made Ridiculously Simple


The researchers state that the objective of this study was to “test the effect of the order of beer and wine consumption on the next day’s hangover severity.” What is the null hypothesis for this study?


Table 1 in the paper states the baseline demographics of the study population. In the “Study Group 1” column, the following is written in the “Age, years” row: 23.9 ± 5.8. What do these numbers signify?


The study results state that “There was no significant difference in blood or urine test results between the 3 groups, either before or on the day following the intervention (P > 0.05).” Which of the following is true about the significance of this outcome based on this statement?


The authors state that a t-test was used to evaluate the primary hypothesis of the study. Which of the following is true of the study data? Check all that may apply.


Some of the study variables accounted for in this study are gender, body weight, height, and BMI. Which of these variables can be categorized as continuous? Check all that may apply.


The study states that “more women than men vomited on both study days.” Which of the following statements is true for this study?

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