Question 1 The researchers of this paper state that “Exposure to violent video games increase children's dangerous behavior around firearms.” Which of the Bradford Hill criteria does this paper satisfy in terms of support for a causal link between exposure to violent video games and children’s dangerous behavior around firearms?

Check all that may apply.

Practice More Questions From: How Wrong Conclusions Are Reached


Question 1 The researchers of this paper state that “Exposure to violent video games increase children’s dangerous behavior around firearms.” Which of the Bradford Hill criteria does this paper satisfy in terms of support for a causal link between exposure to violent video games and children’s dangerous behavior around firearms? Check all that may apply.


The researchers state that one of the variables they controlled for in the study was “interest in firearms.” Which of the following criteria does this variable have to meet in order to be a confounder for this study? Check all that may apply.


Let’s assume that in this study, a child’s dangerous behavior around firearms is used as a perfect surrogate end-point for increased likelihood of the child committing murder. Which of the following has to be true in order for this to be true? Check all that may apply.


Another variable the researchers controlled for was trait aggressiveness. Which of the following would have to be true in order for trait aggressiveness to be a mediator? Check all that may apply.

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