Please try to think of a situation you have encountered in which a person manifests a:

  • failure of phosphorescence - something was going on in their mind of which they were unaware.


  • failure of introspection/infallibility - they were convinced that something was going on in their minds, but were mistaken.

Describe this situation and say what the mistake consisted in. The example can be taken from your own experience, or from the news, public life, or even fiction.

You might want to share your example with others via social media - if you do so, remember to tag @EdiPhilOnline and #ktmooc!


  Please try to think of a situation you have encountered in which a person manifests a: failure of phosphorescence – something was going on in their mind of which they were unaware. or failure of introspection/infallibility – they were convinced that something was going on in their minds, but were mistaken. Describe this situation and say what the mistake consisted in. The example can be taken from your own experience, or from the news, public life, or even fiction.You might want to share your example with others via social media – if you do so, remember to tag @EdiPhilOnline and #ktmooc!


Now the harder question: think of a situation when you showed a failure of phosphorescence or introspection/infallibility. Don’t worry about writing this down or sharing on social media if you don’t want to! This is purely for your reflection.

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