Let's assume that the study researchers now want to analyze the effect of caffeinated coffee intake on a person’s wakefulness. They decide to randomize people into two groups — the study group will drink instant coffee and the control group will drink a placebo drink. What can be a good placebo drink option here?

Practice More Questions From: Types of Medical Studies


The following is the title of the study: Association of Coffee Drinking With Mortality by Genetic Variation in Caffeine Metabolism Findings From the UK Biobank What is the outcome of interest?


The authors state that “We used baseline demographic, lifestyle, and genetic data from the UK Biobank cohort, with follow-up beginning in 2006 and ending in 2016, to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) for coffee intake and mortality, using multivariable-adjusted Cox proportional hazards models.” What is the type of study design used here?


Which of the following is true of this study? Check all that may apply.


Let’s assume that the study researchers now want to analyze the effect of caffeinated coffee intake on a person’s wakefulness. They decide to randomize people into two groups — the study group will drink instant coffee and the control group will drink a placebo drink. What can be a good placebo drink option here?


Let’s assume that you are now assigned as the Caffeine Expert at the International Alliance on All Things Coffee (IAATC). The IAATC asks you to collect the highest-quality evidence to showcase the health effects of coffee. What is the best strategy to put together the highest form of evidence to support this stance?

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