For this week, the mini-project defines and uses a Sprite class to support animations. What attribute (also known as a field) can be used to help index the sub-images forming an animated sprite? (If you are stuck, review the bonus phase in the mini-project description.)

Practice More Questions From: Quiz 8


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Which of the following is valid notation for a set in # CodeSkulptor runs Python programs in your browser.# Click the upper left button to run this simple demo.# CodeSkulptor is tested to run in recent versions of# Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.import simpleguimessage = “Welcome!”# Handler for mouse clickdef click(): global message message = “Good job!”# Handler to draw on canvasdef draw(canvas): canvas.draw_text(message, [50,112], 48, “Red”)# Create a frame and assign callbacks to event handlersframe = simplegui.create_frame(“Home”, 300, 200)frame.add_button(“Click me”, click)frame.set_draw_handler(draw)# Start the frame animationframe.start()


For this week, the mini-project defines and uses a Sprite class to support animations. What attribute (also known as a field) can be used to help index the sub-images forming an animated sprite? (If you are stuck, review the bonus phase in the mini-project description.)

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