Consider the user story, "As a player, I want the machine to make a noise when I gain 100 points, so that I have an auditory signal when I’m doing well." Why is this user story considered ambiguous?

Practice More Questions From: Ambiguous Requirements Quiz


Consider the user story, “As a player, I want the machine to make a noise when I gain 100 points, so that I have an auditory signal when I’m doing well.” Why is this user story considered ambiguous?


Consider the user story, “As a multiplayer, I want both players to have a controller, so that we can play together.” Why is this user story considered ambiguous?


Consider the user story, “As a player, I want the targets to start moving after I press Start, so that I can start hitting them.” What is the ambiguous word in this user story, and which category of ambiguous words does it belong to?


Consider the user story, “As a player, I want the screen to always display a target, so that there’s always something to hit.” Why is this user story considered ambiguous?


Consider the user story, “As a multiplayer, I want to beat them when I’m playing in versus mode, so that I win the game.” Why is this user story considered ambiguous? (Select 2 answers)

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