Evaluate Your Marketing Results Against Goals Quiz
Graded Quiz • 30 min Quiz10 Questions Week 1
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Evaluate Your Marketing Results Against Goals Quiz

Graded Quiz • 30 min Quiz10 Questions Week 1


A business wants to evaluate their campaign, and specifically wants to look at how much they spent for a customer to take an action. This measurement would be:


A business wants to evaluate how much they’re spending on their customers, versus how much their customers go on to spend. If they want to see how much they spent on getting the customer to a first purchase, that measurement would be:


A business is setting up a campaign, and is thinking ahead to which metrics they would want to track. Which KPIs would you track for a consideration campaign?


A business gained 50 new customers in April, 100 new customers in May, and 150 new customers in June. During that time, they were running a campaign with a budget of $3000. What was their Customer Acquisition cost?


A company recently sold $10,000 worth of products, yet only spent $2000 on their advertising. What was their ROI, if they sold 5000 units, which cost $.50 to make?


A marketing manager is attempting to collect data on their campaign. Where would they gather metrics from?


A local car dealership’s average customer comes in once every 10 years, and spends $30,000 on each purchase. An average customer in that particular town will spend 40 years frequenting that dealer. What is their lifetime value?


A business recently ran an awareness campaign, where they spent $200 a month for three months. At the end of that time they gained 2000 impressions. What was their Cost Per Result?


A business wants to see how well its campaigns are going. They’ve had an ROAS of around 3 in the past, and want to get a bigger return than that. They spent $600 and sold $2,100 worth. How did they do?


A business recently ran a campaign where their ROI was 3. They ran a second campaign where their ROAS was 4. Did they do better on the second campaign?

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