Which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply.

Practice More Questions From: Charts and Dashboards


Which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply.


Which of the following tools enable users to create visual representations of data in Salesforce? Select all that apply.


Which of the following tools enable users to create visual representations of Salesforce data from multiple report charts?


The sales manager has asked for your help to create a report in Salesforce that shows all of the Opportunities that were Closed Won last year. To do this, you should use:


True or False? The sales manager has asked for your help to create a report in Salesforce that shows all open Opportunities with Products that involve revenue over $50,000. To do this, you can select the Opportunities with Products report type, use a standard filter to select open opportunities, and add a field filter to show Amount greater than $50,000.


The sales manager has asked for your help to create a report that shows Accounts worth over $30,000. To do this, you should use a:


Which of the Salesforce report formats is the most complex?


The sales manager has come to you, the sales ops specialist, for help creating a report that shows how many open Opportunities the team has per Opportunity Stage. Which report format should be used to create this report?


The sales manager has come to you, the sales ops specialist, for help creating a report that simply shows how many open Opportunities the team currently has. Which report format should be used to create this report?


Which of the following is a way to modify a report in Salesforce? Select all that apply.


True or False? When creating reports in Salesforce, you can add summary fields and formulas to adjust numerical data.


The sales manager is happy with a Salesforce report you recently helped her create. She doesn’t want to remove any of the data currently contained within the report, but she does want to be able to zoom in on certain pieces of the data. For example, she wants to look at each account executive’s current opportunities, one at a time. What report tool might she use to do this? Select all that apply.


Why is it helpful to include a report chart in Salesforce reports? Select all that apply.


True or False? A report chart makes it easier for a sales manager to quickly check in on a report and to visualize the data.


True or False? Including a report chart in Salesforce tends to be distracting and make it difficult for a sales manager to quickly gain insight into the data.


Which of the following is NOT a type of report chart in Salesforce?


Imagine that the sales manager would like to evaluate the performance of each of their team members and has asked you, the sales ops specialist, for help. They’d like to quickly visualize how many deals each of their reps have closed in the last year and how they compare to one another. Which type of report chart should they use?


Which type of report chart should you use if you wanted to create a visualization of how many leads per lead status there are for each lead source?


True or False? In Salesforce, dashboard components take data from a report and visualize it in some format.


True or False? A dashboard in Salesforce allows you, as a sales ops specialist, to include multiple data visualizations all in one location.


Fill in the blanks: Dashboards ___________, so they are always up to date with the ___________ they are based on.


Which of the following is true about Salesforce dashboards? Select all that apply.


True or False? Dashboard components do not necessarily need to be connected to an underlying report.


Which of the following methods can be used to add a component to a dashboard in Salesforce? Select all that apply.


True or False? To add a visualization as a component to a Salesforce dashboard, it must first be created as a report chart in the chart that contains the data you’d like to display.


As a sales ops specialist, you’ve been asked to create a dashboard that shows a variety of sales pipeline data. You’d like to include a component that shows the number of current leads that are being handled by the sales team, grouped by lead source. How can you add this component to the dashboard? Select all possible options.


As a sales ops specialist, the sales manager has asked you to help her create a Salesforce dashboard that she can use in her presentation to the executive team next week. To start, you’d like to include the report chart that you added to the Leads report for her. How can this report be added to the new dashboard?


Which of the following statements is true about dashboards in Salesforce? Select all that apply.


As a sales ops specialist, you’ve helped the sales manager create a Leads report in Salesforce, and you’ve added a very eye-opening report chart. Now the sales manager would like to add this new report chart to the Salesforce dashboard that she’s going to use in her presentation to the executive team next week. How can this report chart be added to the dashboard?

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