Which of the following statements are true? (Check all that apply):

Practice More Questions From: Clustering and Similarity


A country, called Simpleland, has a language with a small vocabulary of just “the”, “on”, “and”, “go”, “round”, “bus”, and “wheels”. For a word count vector with indices ordered as the words appear above, what is the word count vector for a document that simply says “the wheels on the bus go round and round.” Please enter the vector of counts as follows: If the counts were [“the”=1, “on”=3, “and”=2, “go”=1, “round”=2, “bus”=1, “wheels”=1], enter 1321211.


In Simpleland, a reader is enjoying a document with a representation: [1 3 2 1 2 1 1]. Which of the following articles would you recommend to this reader next?


A corpus in Simpleland has 99 articles. If you pick one article and perform 1-nearest neighbor search to find the closest article to this query article, how many times must you compute the similarity between two articles?


For the TF-IDF representation, does the relative importance of words in a document depend on the base of the logarithm used? For example, take the words “bus” and “wheels” in a particular document. Is the ratio between the TF-IDF values for “bus” and “wheels” different when computed using log base 2 versus log base 10?


Which of the following statements are true? (Check all that apply):


Which of the following pictures represents the best k-means solution? (Squares represent observations, plus signs are cluster centers, and colors indicate assignments of observations to cluster centers.)

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