Which command allows you to split your dataset to get 70% of it for training in a repeatable fashion?

Practice More Questions From: Training, Tuning and Serving on AI Platform


Which command allows you to split your dataset to get 70% of it for training in a repeatable fashion?


Hyperparameter tuning happens before model training and is the task responsible for assigning initial weights to the variables (or parameters) which allow the model to find patterns on the data.


Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement about Dockerfile commands?


What is the order of steps to push a trained model to AI Platform for serving? I – Run the command gcloud ai-platform versions create {model_version} to create a version for the model.II – Train and save the model.III – Run the command gcloud ai-platform models create to create a model object.IV – Run the command gcloud ai-platform predict to get predictions.

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