What command would you use to extract just the counts of girls born?

Practice More Questions From: Week 1 Lab: Introduction to R and RStudio


How many variables are included in this data set (data set: arbuthnot)?


What command would you use to extract just the counts of girls born?


Which of the following best describes the number of girls baptised over the years included in this dataset?


How many variables are included in this data set (data set: present)?


Calculate the total number of births for each year and store these values in a new variable called total in the present dataset. Then, calculate the proportion of boys born each year and store these values in a new variable called prop_boys in the same dataset. Plot these values over time and based on the plot determine if the following statement is true or false: The proportion of boys born in the US has decreased over time.


Create a new variable called more_boys which contains the value of either TRUE if that year had more boys than girls, or FALSE if that year did not. Based on this variable which of the following statements is true?


Calculate the boy-to-girl ratio each year, and store these values in a new variable called prop_boy_girl in the present dataset. Plot these values over time. Which of the following best describes the trend?


In what year did we see the most total number of births in the U.S.?

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