True or False: Lead routing can be helpful, but should be avoided if certain sales teams are assigned to specific sectors or regions.


True or False: Lead scoring is a system that is used to determine what salesperson should be assigned to a new lead.


Alex is new to their company and they want to start an initiative that encourages the sales and marketing teams to assign values to leads to prioritize outreach. What is this system called?


What is lead scoring?


True or False: Lead scoring allows a sales team to quickly determine a lead’s likelihood to make a purchase.


Which of the following is a primary benefit of lead scoring?


Alex is working on fleshing out a lead scoring system for their company. Alex is a bit confused- what are they specifically assigning points to in a lead scoring system?


Alex is worried that now is not a great time to implement a new lead scoring system because the company already has a lead routing process. Should Alex encourage the company to implement lead scoring?


When is the best time to implement a lead scoring system?


True or False: Lead scoring can only be implemented when a company is new.


True or False: A predictive lead scoring algorithm can be customized using traditional lead scoring methods.


What is the difference between traditional lead scoring and predictive lead scoring?


Alex has started using a predictive algorithm to prioritize leads. How can they further customize this algorithm in the future?


True or False: Once values have been assigned in a traditional lead scoring system, it’s best to leave them as-is going forward to avoid confusion.


Once a traditional lead scoring method is in place, it’s important to…


Alex has noticed that their traditional lead scoring system isn’t working very well. Not enough leads are making it through to the sales team. What should Alex do?


Alex is certain that their company should use a lead routing system, but they just started lead scoring. How should they explain lead routing to their management team?


True or False: Lead routing is primarily used to make sure that the right lead is sent to the right salesperson in a timely manner.


What is lead routing?


Alex isn’t sure that lead routing will work for their company. The company has sales teams that are each assigned to a different region. Could lead routing help?


What is a main benefit of lead routing?


True or False: Lead routing can be helpful, but should be avoided if certain sales teams are assigned to specific sectors or regions.


While using a lead routing system, how quickly should a salesperson reach out to a lead after being assigned that lead?


True or False: Lead routing gets leads to the correct person or team, but it’s still imperative that that person or team connects with the lead quickly.


Alex has received an email about a lead. The lead was routed to them using an automated lead routing system. What should Alex do?


What is one way to optimize the lead routing process after it’s been instituted?


True or False: Cleaning a lead database is a good way to help optimize the lead routing system even while it is in use.


Alex has received two duplicate emails about two duplicate leads from the company database. What is something that might help avoid this in the future?


Alex has received a new lead. When checking the lead activity, they discover that someone else on the sales team has already reached out. What should Alex do?


True or False: It’s more important to reach out to a new lead quickly than it is to review their activity history.


Though it’s important to reach out to a lead as soon as possible, what is a good thing to do before connecting with a lead?

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