To make your code compatible with Verte AI, there are three basic steps that must be completed in a specific order. Choose the answer that best describes those steps.

Practice More Questions From: Training at Scale with Vertex AI


Fill in the blanks. When sending training jobs to Vertex AI, it is common to split most of the logic into a _________ and a ___________ file.


Which file is the entry point to your code that Vertex AI will start and contains details such as “how to parse command-line arguments and where to write model outputs?


When you package up a TensorFlow model as a Python Package, what statement should every Python module contain in every folder?


To make your code compatible with Verte AI, there are three basic steps that must be completed in a specific order. Choose the answer that best describes those steps.


Fill in the blanks. You can use either pre-built containers or custom containers to run training jobs. Both containers require you specify settings that Vertex AI needs to run your training code, including __________, ____________, and ________.

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