This quiz encompasses data and content from Week 1 and 2, so we recommend reviewing that material from last week for this quiz as well. What is the highest level that the team has reached in gameclicks? (Hint: use the MAX operation in postgres).

Practice More Questions From: Postgres, MongoDB, and Pandas


This quiz encompasses data and content from Week 1 and 2, so we recommend reviewing that material from last week for this quiz as well. What is the highest level that the team has reached in gameclicks? (Hint: use the MAX operation in postgres).


How many user id’s (repeats allowed) have reached the highest level as found in the previous question? (Hint: For postgres: you may either use two queries or use a sub-query).


How many user id’s (repeats allowed) reached the highest level in game-clicks and also clicked the highest costing price in buy-clicks? Hint: Refer to question 4 for ideas.


What does the following line of code do in postgres? SELECT count(userid) FROM (SELECT buyclicks.userId, teamLevel, price FROM buyclicks JOIN gameclicks on buyclicks.userId = gameclicks.userId) temp WHERE price=3 and teamLevel=5;


In the MongoDB data set, what is the username of the twitter account who has a tweet_followers_count of exactly 8973882?

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