The multi_vowel_words function returns all words with 3 or more consecutive vowels (a, e, i, o, u). Fill in the regular expression to do that.

  import re
def multi_vowel_words(text):
  pattern = ___
  result = re.findall(pattern, text)
  return result

print(multi_vowel_words("Life is beautiful")) 
# ['beautiful']

print(multi_vowel_words("Obviously, the queen is courageous and gracious.")) 
# ['Obviously', 'queen', 'courageous', 'gracious']

print(multi_vowel_words("The rambunctious children had to sit quietly and await their delicious dinner.")) 
# ['rambunctious', 'quietly', 'delicious']

print(multi_vowel_words("The order of a data queue is First In First Out (FIFO)")) 
# ['queue']

print(multi_vowel_words("Hello world!")) 
# []  

Practice More Questions From: Practice Quiz: Advanced Regular Expressions


Using Python to Interact with the Operating System import redef transform_record(record): new_record = re.sub(___) return new_recordprint(transform_record(“Sabrina Green,802-867-5309,System Administrator”)) # Sabrina Green,+1-802-867-5309,System Administratorprint(transform_record(“Eli Jones,684-3481127,IT specialist”)) # Eli Jones,+1-684-3481127,IT specialistprint(transform_record(“Melody Daniels,846-687-7436,Programmer”)) # Melody Daniels,+1-846-687-7436,Programmerprint(transform_record(“Charlie Rivera,698-746-3357,Web Developer”)) # Charlie Rivera,+1-698-746-3357,Web Developer


When capturing regex groups, what datatype does the groups method return?


The multi_vowel_words function returns all words with 3 or more consecutive vowels (a, e, i, o, u). Fill in the regular expression to do that. import redef multi_vowel_words(text): pattern = ___ result = re.findall(pattern, text) return resultprint(multi_vowel_words(“Life is beautiful”)) # [‘beautiful’]print(multi_vowel_words(“Obviously, the queen is courageous and gracious.”)) # [‘Obviously’, ‘queen’, ‘courageous’, ‘gracious’]print(multi_vowel_words(“The rambunctious children had to sit quietly and await their delicious dinner.”)) # [‘rambunctious’, ‘quietly’, ‘delicious’]print(multi_vowel_words(“The order of a data queue is First In First Out (FIFO)”)) # [‘queue’]print(multi_vowel_words(“Hello world!”)) # []


The transform_comments function converts comments in a Python script into those usable by a C compiler. This means looking for text that begins with a hash mark (#) and replacing it with double slashes (//), which is the C single-line comment indicator. For the purpose of this exercise, we’ll ignore the possibility of a hash mark embedded inside of a Python command, and assume that it’s only used to indicate a comment. We also want to treat repetitive hash marks (##), (###), etc., as a single comment indicator, to be replaced with just (//) and not (#//) or (//#). Fill in the parameters of the substitution method to complete this function: import redef transform_comments(line_of_code): result = re.sub(___) return resultprint(transform_comments(“### Start of program”)) # Should be “// Start of program”print(transform_comments(” number = 0 ## Initialize the variable”)) # Should be ” number = 0 // Initialize the variable”print(transform_comments(” number += 1 # Increment the variable”)) # Should be ” number += 1 // Increment the variable”print(transform_comments(” return(number)”)) # Should be ” return(number)”


The convert_phone_number function checks for a U.S. phone number format: XXX-XXX-XXXX (3 digits followed by a dash, 3 more digits followed by a dash, and 4 digits), and converts it to a more formal format that looks like this: (XXX) XXX-XXXX. Fill in the regular expression to complete this function. import redef convert_phone_number(phone): result = re.sub(___) return resultprint(convert_phone_number(“My number is 212-345-9999.”)) # My number is (212) 345-9999.print(convert_phone_number(“Please call 888-555-1234”)) # Please call (888) 555-1234print(convert_phone_number(“123-123-12345”)) # 123-123-12345print(convert_phone_number(“Phone number of Buckingham Palace is +44 303 123 7300”)) # Phone number of Buckingham Palace is +44 303 123 7300

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