On average, how many periods lead does the leading indicator have over the target time series?

Practice More Questions From: Week 1 Assessment


Highlight cells B1:C31 and then click on 2-D Line Chart. Why is it difficult to identify the relationship between the two variables?


Click into the chart in Question 2. Click on Change Chart Type.Select Combo.Within Combo, change both Chart Types to Line.For Sales, select Secondary Axis.


For the given data set, when is the highest peak for Income?


On average, how many periods lead does the leading indicator have over the target time series?


Create a new column in D labelled as “Marginal Propensity to Consume”. Type the following formula in cell D2 “=B2/C2” and fill down for the entire column (i.e. Column D’s values are equal to Sales divided by Income.Calculate the average of column D.What is your result to 2 decimal places?


Use the Naïve forecasting method and the Marginal Propensity to Consume (calculated in Question 6) to calculate Forecasts using the steps below: Label Column E, “Forecast”.Type the formula “=0.06*C2” in Cell E4 – in other words, the forecast for Sales is equal to the value of the leading indicator (Income) two periods ago, scaled by 0.06 (the Marginal Propensity to Consume) because in Question 6 we calculated that consumers spend approximately 6% (0.06) of their income on our product.What is the value of E4 rounded to 2 decimal places?


Plot Sales and Forecast on the same pair of axes as a line chart. What do you notice?


Now look at the sheet OECD_CLI for Questions 9 and 10. Plot the Composite Leading Indicator for “Euro Area (19 countries)”.When does the economic expansion begin for this region?


Suppose we have a business that operated in the region noted in Question 9. Our sales data has been fairly level right until April 2020. Based on looking at this data alone – we forecast this sales pattern to continue into the future – remaining level.By observing the Composite Leading Indicator (CLI), how might we adjust our Sales Forecast?

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