It’s HIGHLY recommended that you recheck your writing when delivering a message professionally. What are a few things you should look at to ensure your message is clear and concise?


Imagine a game of ping pong. It’s a great metaphor for conversation in any setting. It’s a regular back and forth with both people equally engaged, equally contributing, and equally enjoying the experience. What are some ways you can master the conversational approach?


When communicating with an audience it’s important to _________________________:


True or false? Exuding energy and enthusiasm makes others want to be around you. They feel uplifted, they have a positive memory of the interaction and will more likely want to meet or chat again.


Social psychologist Amy Cuddy argues that body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. What is a body language practice that you can use to boost feelings of confidence?


Which option below is NOT a barrier to effective listening?


In your first line of introducing yourself, you want to say your name clearly and confidently; repeat it if they ask you to. This is harder to correct later so ensure that you share your name properly in the introduction. You must also show non-verbal communication skills by having:


It’s HIGHLY recommended that you recheck your writing when delivering a message professionally. What are a few things you should look at to ensure your message is clear and concise?


________________ is the repetition of key words the other person uses in conversation. It’s designed to show the person that you’re listening and that you understand them. _______________________ is a verbal acknowledgment of the other side’s feelings or positions. Labels are used to neutralize negative emotions or reinforce positive ones.

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