“If you stop at general math, you're only going to make general math money.” - Snoop Dogg The importance of math The main emphasis of the homework in this class is helping you learn the math skills required to flourish in Computer Science. You will find these skills indispensable as you tackled more and more difficult topics in Computer Science. Remember that the "Science" part of Computer Science corresponds primarily to Mathematics. In this homework, we will review some basic topics that you should be familiar with from high school math. Functions The first four questions cover mathematical functions. We recommend that you review the material on Functions from week 1 before attempting them. Consider the following Python function: Which mathematical function below computes the same value as this function?
def root (a, b, c):
    discriminant = b ** 2 - 4 * a * c
    return (-b - discriminant ** 0.5) / (2 * a)

Practice More Questions From: Homework 2


Which of the mathematical functions displayed below are linear?


Question 5 Scientific notation is a way of writing numbers that are too big or too small to be conveniently written in decimal form. For decimal numbers, scientific notation has the form a \times 10^ba×10 b where aa is a number in the range 1\le |a| \lt 101≤∣a∣<10 and bb is an integer. The number aa is the mantissa while the integer bb is the exponent. The mantissa is usually expressed using the same number of significant digits as used in the original decimal form.What is the mantissa for 0.004001000.00400100 when expressed in scientific notation?


“If you stop at general math, you’re only going to make general math money.” – Snoop Dogg The importance of mathThe main emphasis of the homework in this class is helping you learn the math skills required to flourish in Computer Science. You will find these skills indispensable as you tackled more and more difficult topics in Computer Science. Remember that the “Science” part of Computer Science corresponds primarily to Mathematics.In this homework, we will review some basic topics that you should be familiar with from high school math.FunctionsThe first four questions cover mathematical functions. We recommend that you review the material on Functions from week 1 before attempting them.Consider the following Python function:Which mathematical function below computes the same value as this function?def root (a, b, c): discriminant = b ** 2 – 4 * a * c return (-b – discriminant ** 0.5) / (2 * a)


Review the function traverse_grid from the “Grids” video lecture. Given a 4 \times 44×4 grid, what values for start_cell and direction would cause traverse_grid to traverse the diagonal of grid connecting the lower right tile to the upper left tile?

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