For the following questions 7, 8, and 9, suppose a registration website creates data with the following fields for each person registered (note: if the user does not input a value, NULL is stored instead): Name, Date, Address, and Account Number.

Suppose we collect data month by month. Each month, we would have a batch of data containing the fields listed above. At the end of the year, we want to summarize our registrant activities for the entire year, so we would remove redundancies in our data by removing any records with duplicate account numbers from month to month. What type of operation do we use in this scenario?

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For the following questions 7, 8, and 9, suppose a registration website creates data with the following fields for each person registered (note: if the user does not input a value, NULL is stored instead): Name, Date, Address, and Account Number. Suppose we collect data month by month. Each month, we would have a batch of data containing the fields listed above. At the end of the year, we want to summarize our registrant activities for the entire year, so we would remove redundancies in our data by removing any records with duplicate account numbers from month to month. What type of operation do we use in this scenario?


From the information given in question 7, what are the constraints, if any, which we have placed on the Account Number field for the end of year collection?


Suppose 100 people signup for our system and of the 100 people, 60 of them did not input an address. The system lists the values as NULL for these empty entries in the address field. Would this situation still have structure for our data?

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